Özgür Özdamar welcomes media inquiries on the following subjects:
Foreign Policy
International Security
Political Forecasting
Political Risk Analysis
Turkey, Turkish Foreign Policy
US and its Foreign Policy
Middle East
Black Sea
Iran and Syria
Özgür Özdamar's appearance at the Connect the World program at CNN International, 2016
Ozgur Ozdamar's appearance on Al Jazeera at What's behind Ahmet Davutoglu's resignation?" May 6, 2016
Özgür Özdamar's appearance on the Voice of America with What kind of power is Turkey?/(Türkiye nasıl bir güc?)" talk
Özgür Özdamar's appearance on Al Jazeera at Al Jazeera discussing Turkey's Elections in June 2015"
Özgür Özdamar's discussing Turkey's visa-free regime with the EU at the Tarafsız Bölge program on CNN Türk, March 9, 2016
Özgür Özdamar at the Tarafsız Bölge program on CNN Türk discussing the Middle East and Turkey's foreign policy, November 23, 2014
Özgür Özdamar on CNN Türk at the Neler Oluyor program, October 8, 2015
Özgür Özdamar at the "Global Agenda" (Küresel Gündem) on TRT Türk discussing the Security Problem in Iraq, June 04, 2015
Özgür Özdamar at the "Global Agenda" (Küresel Gündem) on TRT Türk discussing International Relations and Powers, June 04, 2015.
Özgür Özdamar at the Tarafsız Bölge program on CNN Türk, November 18, 2014